
Discount Fuel Buyers



Join The Fleet Of North Americans Uniting Together Under Discount Fuel Buyers, Negotiating For Better Prices At The Pump, Saving YOU Tons Of Money Annually!

No Contracts • Cancel Anytime

5.5 MILLION Litres Pledged So far! Will you join us?
Litres Pledged 15%
Join Canada's Big Buying Group For Gas & Fuel and SAVE BIG $ On Fuel

What Is A "Kickstart" Phase?

As a collective, we are currently negotiating with some of North America’s largest fuel retailers to get our members the maximum benefits and savings. With your support, and by signing up with us, we add you to the list of pledged fuel buyers, which gives us power at the bargaining table. We had a deal in May of 2023, however, before it is finalized, these companies want to see proof on paper that our members are purchasing fuel, so we can bring that buying power over to their business.

Hence why we started this kickstarter program! Members can join for free, or pledge support at any level and receive 50% off of membership fees once the program is launched!

What Does Membership Cost?

At the core of our business model, we want to save you and your family money. That’s why memberships (after launch) will only cost 10% of whatever you saved in fuel spend that month!

To break that down, let’s say you spent $5,000 in fuel between you, and your employees without our savings plan. By being a member, you would have saved 30 cents a litre, or $1.15 per gallon on that fuel, meaning you only would be spending $4062.50 instead of the full $5,000. WOW! That’s a savings of $937.50 per month!

Therefore, the membership fee for that month would only be $93.75, bringing your total savings to a whopping $843.75, or $10,000+ a year. 

That’s a lot of savings!

Fuel Savings program in North America


(At A Glance)
  • Kickstart Membership

    Discount Fuel Buyers Membership

    Suggested Price : $0.00 Learn More
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