
Discount Fuel Buyers

Save Money At The Pump Nation-Wide

Discount Fuel Buyers

Join The Fleet Of North Americans Uniting Together Under Discount Fuel Buyers, Negotiating For Better Prices At The Pump, Saving YOU Tons Of Money Annually!

No Contracts • Cancel Anytime • 45 Second Signup Process

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✅ Save Big on Fuel

✅ Group Buying Power

Learn More In The Video Below And Sign Up For Free Today!

Fill Out This Short Survey To Get Started

To Join Discount Fuel Buyers exclusive buying group, we just need around 45 seconds of your time! Fill out the form below to join our fuel buying group – unlocking HUGE savings with us once our contract is negotiated!

Discount Fuel Buyers Signup Page - Save on Fuel!

    Discounted Fuel Buying Group Canada - Discount Fuel Buyers


    Are you looking for HUGE discounts on Gas & Diesel? Thankfully, our aggregate buying group, Discount Fuel Buyers, exists! 

    6,121,200 Litres Of 30M Goal Pledged! Will you join us?
    Litres Pledged 20.4%


    Are you looking for HUGE discounts on Tires? With aggregate buying, industry discounts range between 15%-30% on National Brands & 25%-50% on Imports!

    $752,120 Dollars Pledged So far! Will you join us?
    Tire Spend Pledged 14%
    Discounted Fuel Buying Group United States (USA) - Discount Fuel Buyers


    Are you looking for HUGE discounts on Gas & Diesel? Thankfully, our aggregate buying group, Discount Fuel Buyers, exists! 

    5,982,600 Gallons Of 120M Goal Pledged! Will you join us?
    Gallons Pledged 5.1%


    Are you looking for HUGE discounts on Tires? With volume buying, industry discounts range between 15%-30% on National Brands & 25%-50% on Imports!

    40,000 Dollars Pledged So far! Will you join us?
    Tire Spend Pledged 2%
    Frequently Asked Questions About Our Membership

    Signing up is currently free! We just require a little information about your fuel spending habits so we can showcase fuel spending habits of our members to national fuel retailers, securing our members a contract, and getting everyone savings!

    Once we secure a deal, and you can start saving on fuel, we only charge 10% of whatever you saved that month. So if you were saving 30 cents per litre, our membership dues are 3 cents per litre. That’s not bad!

    Once our deal is secured, you will be able to save money at major fuel retailers across Canada and the United States, regardless of which country you live in!

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